shake dog salon
We are dedicated to the quality and safety of our work. The safety of our groomers and of the dogs in our care is our number one priority. We will need all of the information in the pre-screening questionnaire below before being considered for an appointment. Incomplete forms will absolutely not be considered. There's plenty of space to tell us all about your dog's individual quirks, habits, and behaviors.
*AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED AND NOT PREDICTABLE. We will not be able to accommodate every dog, but fill what availability we do have from these questionnaires. If and when we have availability, we will contact you. Shake clients are on set recurring schedules, which means we operate at approximately 95-100% capacity at all times.
*All clients must be groomed with us no less than 3 times in a calendar year in order to guarantee their spot on our schedule. A client will be considered 'new' after 4 months of inactivity.
*Please email us at if you experience any difficulties with the automated form and we're happy to email you the questionnaire.